Daily Journal Meeting 2022; Audio Recording (Time Saver Edit)

Hello Latticework Investing Community,

Please enjoy my “time saver” audio recording of the 2022 Daily Journal Annual Meeting. I reduced the meeting runtime by ~15 minutes by eliminating long pauses and trimming questions down to their core components.

And as always, check back soon for my full transcript of the annual meeting! Or subscribe if you’d like it emailed directly to your inbox after it’s posted.



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  1. Thank you for your time and effort to share valuable materials to us like always. I’m not an English speaker and thus have difficulties in listeng and understanding speeches, but in here, thanks to your favor, I managed to learn numerous priceless wisdoms of Mr. Munger. Thank you.

    1. I’m so glad to hear that Minjun. Thank you for the great feedback. I will also be posting my full transcript of the meeting this week, which will include various links to useful reference material throughout. I hope you’ll find this useful as well. All the best! – Richard

        1. Hi Thijs,

          Thanks for checking in. I’m sorry for the extended delay. I recently got married the other week, and as a result of all the preparations involved, my time for finishing the last bits of the transcript went to approximately zero.

          The transcript is all finished now, I just have to format it for the website and post it. I hope to do so early this week. I know it’s been a long wait. Thanks so much for your patience!


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